Thursday, March 29, 2007

More High School Graduates Mean Saving $45 Billion A Year

Teachers College Columbia

Teachers College one of the largest graduate school of education in the US found in a study that the nation will be saving money by preventing the number of drop outs in high schools. It would be saving $45 billion of the tax payers' money each year! That's $127,000 per high school graduate!

How can we do this? The government can save money by investing in school intervention programs aimed at reducing dropouts. Especially in minority student populations. According to the report, the savings would be achieved via extra tax revenues, reduced costs of public health, crime and justice, and decreased welfare payments. Even a one-fifth reduction would result in an annual $18 billion public savings, according to the study, whose figures do not even include the private benefits of improved economic wellbeing that would accrue to the new graduates themselves. Read the full report here!

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The lesson? Be cool, stay in school! And our government should be doing everything necessary.

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